Each tablet contains:
Bromocriptine(as mesylate)… 2.5mg
Prolactin-dependent menstrual cycle disorders and female infertility:
(i.e. hyperprolactinemic and apparently normoprolactinemic conditions).
- Amenorrhea (with or without galactonhea), oligomenorrhea
- Luteal phase deficiency
- Drugs induced hyperprolactinemic disorders (e.g. induced by certain psychotropic or antihypertensive agents)
Prolactin-independent female infertility:
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Anovulatory cycles (supplementary to anti-oestrogens. e.g. clomiphene)
Premenstrual symptoms:
- Breast tenderness, bloating, mood disturbances.
Hyperprolactinemia in men:
- Prolactin-related hypogonadism (oligospermia, loss of libido, impotence)
- Conservative treatment of prolactin-secreting pituitary micro-adenomas or macro-adenomas
- Prior to surgery in order to reduce tumeur size and to facilitate removal
- After surgery if prolactin level is still elevated
- As an adjunct, or in special cases as an alternative to surgery or radiotherapy.
Benign breast disease:
- Mastalgia (isolated or in association with premenstrual syndrome or with benign nodular of cystic alterations)
- Benign cystic and/or nodular conditions, in particular fibrocystic breast disease.
Available in Pack of 30 tablets